Precision Welding
Introduction to Precision Welding
Welding using robots has been one of the mainstays for robot applications since robots were first introduced to manufacturing. Improvements in performance enabled by IONA is now increasing the potential to achieve higher performance welding operations, improving product quality and enabling manual operations to now be automated.
The Challenge
As with any manufacturing process, robots are subject to natural process variation and drift over time. This can be caused by a variety of sources including wear on the robot, variation in environmental conditions and variation in the part. If this process variation is not identified and corrected at source it can impact the part and in worst case lead to scrap or costly re-work.
The Solution
Using IONA, the location of the robot TCP can be determined each time a process runs. This can verify that the location of each weld has been performed correctly. If an error is identified, a corrective action can be trigger in-process rather than risking the error manifesting across many parts before being identified.
IONA Outcomes
faster alignment process
Automated Robot to Part Alignment
increase in process accuracy
Improves robot performance
confidence through 24/7 monitoring
Continual process monitoring
Andy Silcox, Research Director, AMRC Cymru
James Allum, Senior Manufacturing Research Engineer, AMRC Cymru
Dr Stuart Morris, Engineering Director, Pentaxia
"Exciting technology!"
IONA is a great example of some really exciting new technology that is coming to market that will revolutionise the UK Manufacturing for the future
Andy Silcox, Research Director, AMRC Cymru
Revolutionising Robot Performance
Unlocking the true potential of industrial robots.